Monday, July 20, 2009 @ 6:57 AM
Hey Central Two! Joanc here. Just wna share some stuff.
I was feeling really lousy just a few minutes ago. Like, really going crazy from all the pressure, feeling all the weight from the heavy workload and the countless responsibilities I have to juggle.
You know how, sometimes when you're very torn apart, there are two voices going on in your head? One that's complaining and crying and another that reminds you about all of God's promises, telling you constantly to surrender.
That's when you exercise your authority over your mind, and choose to believe in the promises of God. (: Each time I do it, I never regret it.
Listening to Made to Worship had instant effect on me. I realise that we were made to praise and worship, not complain and drag our feet through life, no matter how tough.
Sometimes, we keep running to God for help that we no longer know how to stand on our own two feet. Dependence on God is good, but not to the extent where you're a jellyfish with no backbone, no strength to get through life.
God indeed strengthens the weak, but it doesn't mean we remain weak all our lives and use that as an excuse to not do God's will. God can empower us.
Hmmmm. Think about it. Instead of always running to God to seek comfort and let yourself feel better, why not make God happy? Why not bless Him? We always say Christianity is a relationship, not a religion. What does that mean?
Relationships are two-way. Both give. If we always want more and more of God's blessings and don't bless God's heart, it would be a one-sided relationship. And we would be really selfish.
It's true, we fear human more than God. Why do we feel guilty when we don't give enough in a relationship with a human, but don't realise it when we don't give enough in our relationship with God?
Anyway, jiayou for your week people! It's only Monday, you have 4 more days in school to be on the lookout for opportunities to change lives!
Farewell AMBERLIE! :(
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 @ 12:18 AM

This picture shows the last prayer before Amberlie and family goes into Departure Hall, it has been such a wonderful time with Amberlie around. So sad shes leaving us and the church. But one thing's for sure, God would always be present in their lives, this is God's plan for them and they obeyed him so there is no way we can stop them :) I just pray for them to have a safe journey as they move on and no matter what obstacle they face, they will always stand strong!
Saturday, July 11, 2009 @ 8:04 AM
Hey central 2!:)
I just wanna share something i felt very strongly about... as you all know, the pastors and leaders in our church have been talking about this second-wave revival, how its gonna hit the young generation and all. Even Dr. Corne Bekker felt the same thing, and said that our church is going to experience something strong and powerful. i don't doubt the words they say, especially if it comes from God. if God says its gonna come, then its gonna come whether we like it or not. However, the very moment i heard about this wave thing, one question tugged very strongly at my heart, and that question is: Will we be ready for that revival?
To put things in perspective, the whole H1N1 thing that has hit our church is not a very big deal. Ok, maybe its the devil counterfeiting everything, but why do we keep bringing up what has already happened, and what is successfully over? Why are we focussing on what the devil did, instead of what we should be doing? I'm not critisizing SP, nor am i critisizing the leaders and elders of the church. Its just, i feel that we should be fixing our eyes on the bigger picture that God has in store for us.
To me, i believe that the key step to preparing for revival is the discipline of daily devotion, which is what i have learnt from Dr. Corne Bekker's seminar. we have to be hungry for God and his word. what does it mean to thirst? imagine that you have no water to drink for a day and you are going to die of dehydration. what do you want the most? a glass of cool water. that's what thirst is. Unless we are truly thirsty for God in our lives, how will we truly experience anything that he wants to do for us? Take the example of water. If you are not thirsty at all, the water, no matter how cold or fresh it is, will just taste like something not nice.. Ok, that's how it is to me, but that's not the point.
Central 2, I strongly believe God can use our cell in many ways, more than we can imagine. However, are we ready? Will we do what it takes, and fight the real spiritual battle? The real battle wasn't fighting H1N1. In fact, H1N1 was just a passing phase. Normal. The real battle is ongoing in our lives, as we make the decision everyday on whether we will spend time with God and live a life that truly reflects his name. Lets focus on things that truly matter, and things that we can fight for, to bring glory to him alone.
Let's be a cell that is radical in the things we say and do, and most importantly, have that unsatiable hunger and thirst for the word and presence of God. Let's be a salt and light unto this world, and together, united as one, we'll win souls for Christ, bringing God's word into our lives and the lives of people around us.
Let's fight this battle, and win the war.
Love, Persis.
Friday, July 10, 2009 @ 8:08 PM
Hey C2! I know I never really post here, but I just thought I could say something before I go...so here it is:
Thank you all for being such great friends/cell members. You have all really changed the way I think and do things (in a more positive way). There are big plans for C2, and I'm just sad I'll be missing out. haha. Anyway, C2 will definantly -and is- impact and change RiverLife Church/MegaLife. "Stay strong in the Lord and in His mighty power."-Ephesians 6:10 So yea...Never give up on God!!!!!
Amberlie ;D PS: leaving 13th July. If you want more info can ask me. Love you all!!!!!!!
Friday, July 3, 2009 @ 10:28 PM
Central Two, just wna share a part of an email I received.
"Folks, it is about time we get serious with God. It is no longer about doing ‘church’ anymore because church can be closed down. Ministry is beyond being a volunteer on a Sunday. It is about an attitude of servant-hood in life. It is about bringing God to our home, our work place, our school and to everywhere we go."
Amen! And it's not just for volunteers, but for us, worshippers as well. So, I edit it for us:
Church can be closed down one day. But worship is beyond being a Saturday worshipper. It is about an attitude of worship in life. About bringing God to our home, our schools, and everywhere we go.
Yeah man. (: Alright got to rush! Bye C2. love yal :D
@ 5:36 PM
Dear Central Two,
How have all of you been? :) I trust it's been a good week at school for all of you. Considering all that has happened this holiday, I'm sure starting school again must have felt different for all of you. Anyway here's an update of the upcoming activities, in case for some reason you all haven't recieved our SMSes.
Cyber cell is cancelled for today, we decided to go without it cos we're already having cell on Monday :) You guys can still go ahead and have MSN conversations, it's just that we're not having a formal cybercell, alright? Sorry for the incovenience caused cos I know some of you probably had plans that were changed for cybercell. Sorry about that.
Cell on 6th July, Monday will be in the morning, around 10 am. Sorry but we haven't decided the exact time yet, but keep a look out for the leaders' SMS-es and respond accordingly! We really appreciate how most of you have been responding quickly, cos it does help us alot. Those of you who haven't please try to asap okay! Back to cell on monday, after cell we'll all be going for lunch (:
Service tomorrow! How many of you are looking forward to it?! I'm have really really really really really been anticipating it all week or actually since last last week so yeah tomorrow is going to be an awesome reunion in church :) I hope you guys have all gotten your hearts right and ready for service! Let's come in our cell shirts alright, and with a grateful heart! Afterall, God has seen us through alot this holiday.
That's all for me now, more importantly, check your SMSes to recieve updates from us! :) Love, Jayna.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 @ 9:57 PM
Thank you for praying for my exams :D Tell you guys cool stuff k. Econs paper - I walked out the exam hall emotionless, which is good, because I have no idea how well/badly I'll do so at least I'm not sad or whatever, but I think I'll do okay! Alot of questions I read already I'm like, what on earth is this we got learn meh?! And just smoked my way through. GP - Teacher give us string to tie our fullscap, everyone use the string I don't need use. I only use one piece of paper -.- But I thought it was quite okay. And I'm proud of my compre part even though I left out a whole section cos no time. So I think I'll do okay! Math - Killer, but I'm..... quite confident I can pass.
Considering I had 3/4 less time than my classmates to study, and it seems like I won't do much worse than them, I'm really grateful. Maybe my results will turn out like nonsense lah and maybe I'll really do much worse than my classmates, aiya anything la but I still feel it's God's grace! :D And I only felt much better when I resumed my quiet time already. And although doing QT = sleep later, but somehow during my paper I can focus :D AWESOME. God is cool! Hahaha. K jiayou for your week people, I really miss all of you! It's Thursday already :D :D :D Looking forward to a weekend with all of you!
Loving C2! - Joanc.