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Saturday, November 13, 2010 @ 7:56 PM

Tuesday, June 8, 2010 @ 8:25 PM
“But there is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them. But it’s better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you’re fighting for.”

Saturday, April 17, 2010 @ 6:07 PM
HI C2 :)

“Growing up, I always felt God had a big plan for my life, but it took many wide paths and mistakes to realized I would never know my true calling until I was true to myself. When I began to release my fears, travel the narrow path, step away from my ego and stop worrying so much about the how, when, and where, only then was I able to get around the mountain to see the rainbow.”

Love you all, have a great week ahead!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 @ 12:14 AM
WE'RE MIDWAY THROUGH THE WEEK C2!!! :) Jia you with school and remember to center your life around God :) Love you all!!
xoxo, Charis!

Friday, February 19, 2010 @ 8:00 PM
When you're feeling discouraged and far from God,

Remember He loves you. :)

Love, Charis.

There is just one thing that fills me up, one thing that's true. There is just one thing that satisfies, that one thing is You.
Saturday, February 13, 2010 @ 12:01 AM
Jonny Diaz - Stand For You

Hey guys. :D
My bro got Jonny Diaz's More Beautiful You, it's really an awesome album. Go find it! (: Listen to all the songs, and listen out for the lyrics. I really like them. (:
In every song there's bound to be at least a line he sings that stays in my head. Really meaningful.

I like this one: One Thing.

Jiayou for school!

Love, Joanc.

Saturday, February 6, 2010 @ 4:32 PM
Hi C2 :) I haven't blogged in a really long time! But I came across a very nice quote that I wanna share with you all! :) Have a great week ahead at school :)

"People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you’ve got anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway." - Mother Theresa.

“Satan tries to intimidate us, too, but we must remember that we have already won the game and - no matter how many times he attacks us - we need not give in, give out, or give up because our God is more powerful than he is. We are on Christ’s side and he never giver quits, always survives, always rises, always wins, and always comes back.” — Arron Chambers, in Running On Empty

Keep shining for Jesus :)

Love, Charis.

Sunday, January 31, 2010 @ 11:57 PM

I know it's quite long but seriously just watch it.
Enjoy. (:

Love, Joanc.

It's a new season
Sunday, January 24, 2010 @ 5:24 AM
Hey guys, Benton here. I'm currently in Melbourne, and missing you guys and ML. I didn't really get a good chance to talk about C2 before I left, so here it goes. I joined C2 and ML in 2007, (when there were less guys than girls in our cell) and it's been a really fun ride. I think God has grown myself as well as the cell over the past 3 years or so.

On a personal level, God brought me from being the crazy outspoken guy who only attended cell for fun and because it was "good for me", to a position of responsibilty in the cell, where I actually cared for the well-being (spiritual) of each and every member of the cell. God has taught me a lot from all of you, and I thank God for the privilege of knowing you guys. He taught me how to love all of you, despite us coming from different backgrounds and having different personalities. It was also great knowing that I had a spiritual family standing up for me, people that I could grow together with spiritually, people that would accept me. You guys are great! You guys have also inspired me, people like Jayna, who has led from such a young age, Ernest, who is reall earnest with his worship, Wen Hao, who keeps growing and growing (spiritually and physically), Wesley, who has such a generous heart, Joan Chew, who's always approachable, Isaac, who's guided me along, people like Joan Ng and Joanne, who have been great examples for the people around them, and Shaun, who keeps standing strong in the faith in tough situations. I could go on, but I'm sleepy.

As a cell, look where we are now! God has brought us a long way from where we were when I first came. Look at how each and every one of your spiritual walks has changed through the work God has done in our midst. Many of us have grown in the way we worship, the daily hunger that we have for God and in our desire to make our lives count for Jesus. The spiritual atmosphere has changed much since the sec 1s (now 2s) first joined us. Although there is much room to grow, God has taken us a long way out, and we praise Him for it!

Remember H1N1, when cell sharing exploded, and people were touched by our support? I believe God did a great work within us and through us! SP once said that the H1N1 thing sparked off the revival. That means God heard us when we asked Him to let revival start with US! The past year or so has been one of huge transition, with Isaac stepping down and Joan, Jayna and myself rising up to the plate, lotsa things happened like camp, H1N1 etc. and finally, multiplication. We've come from being a bunch of siblings in Christ who meet every week to discuss the word of God etc., to being a support for one another in the Word of God and in everyday life. That's what cell should be like.

I believe that this is only a short but painful pruning, a metamorphosis of sorts, as God prepares us for what He has in store for all of us as He takes us into a new season. Leaving one another may be quite saddening, but take heart, we will grow from this. Being sad means that the ties we had with one another in cell were genuine, and thats how cell should be. I read the other posts and what you guys have said, increasingly I feel that God is not pulling us apart, rather, he is spreading the seeds of revival within our hearts to wherever he sends. Revival WILL start with us, within our spirits, and I know, that God has already begun His work. So take heart C2, we are in the forefront of the battle.

Sometimes, we must lose something to realize how much it really means to us, but we shouldn't be miserable about it. Take this attitude and spirit of making cell and our relationships count into your new cells, and really show the world what authentic cell should be like! The time you have with one another is short so make the most of it!

So that's that. I thank God for guys, and although I'm bummed that I'm not gonna be in Riverlife to see the revival happen, I know that God has a plan for us wherever he sends us. As i said to the guys during the discipleship thing, God has given you so much potential, so live up to it! I believe that when I come back, I'll see you guys not as the same old Jireh, Jia Ru etc., but pioneers of a great revival, on FIRE for God and full of the Holy Spirit!

See ya in the future guys, hopefully we'll cross paths soon!

Enjoy the season ahead,

@ 5:08 AM
Hey, Joan Ng here.
I bet all of you know how I feel already, so yeah. I'm gonna cut this short :)

For God knows the plans for us, plans not to harm us but prosper us. Plans to bring us good. Let's all trust in God and have faith in Him that he's gonna do great things to us in our new cells. I believe that God is not yet done with us ever since June 2009, this is the continuation of God's work. Let's hold on to it and get ready to ride on the second wave :)

Jiayou C2'09.
I love you all a lot a lot.

@ 4:23 AM
Hey c2 , this is practically the first time i'm posting on the blog but i just wanna thank all of you for the support u guyz have give me for the past one an a half years plus plus and i really appreciate the joy i've shared with u guyz. I also want to thank the leaders of the cell - joan , benton , isaac ,jayna and also chee yann for all the awesome guidance that u have given me , and i still remember the first time when i came for service in megalife , it was still at the victory chapel and joan chew offered me some chocolates but benton asked for it and i gave it to him . My first impression of him - greedy . But as the saturdays went past , i soon realised that he was much more than that . This furthered made me wan to come to church more regularly but i was still too lazy sometimes to go and i now i'm regretting it now badly. And to kendrick , thanks for being the very few or onli guy to start talking to me and mostly , being my first friend in megalife. i guess if it wasnt for u , i'd probably still stay pretty much less noisy than now . we've been through so much together , through pain ( actually onli me , getting whacked from your ) and happy times =D, these memories will stick with me for a long time and even after this multiplication , i guess we'll still be best buddies / brothers in christ, amen? And Jineh , though i have known u more during elevate camp as we were in the same group , within these short period of time , our friendship have deepened greatly and i want to thank you for lending me your chin all these while to tap =D and i think its still not to late to treasure our friendships we have . i believe this multiplication is not gonna be that a bad thing , so cheer up guyz XD - jiaru

Saturday, January 23, 2010 @ 8:17 PM
Hi people it's homer. Eh I wanna say something central two :)
Yeah when I first came from P6 they brought me to C3 but apparently it was the wrong room so they brought me over to C2. I preferred C3 then cos when I saw Benton I thought 'Wow this guy so noisy' but I didn't know that noisy was going to be one of the best friends I was gonna meet in C2.

My experiences were like Kendrick's as well. Megalife was when God really impacted my life and helped me to make an impact on others as well. Looking back it's amazing that I got baptised the same year when I really got to know who God is . I really thank Him for placing me in this cell where I met so many amazing people. I may not have got round to thanking you guys yet but I really appreciate you guys like Jayna and JoanC for leading and Benton, CheeYann, Natalie, Jayna again for worship and stuff like that, and Jiaru, Kendrick and Joel for being such great friends. I think many of us know that Jiaru has this thing in him for some reason cos all of us get drawn to him. Like he's a punching bag or something but he can really be an awesome friend even though he's always on dota. I will keep praying cos I know that God has a gigantic purpose for everyone of us and most of us haven't even got round to knowing what it is yet. I once told my parents that the only day I live is saturday, I spend the rest of the week scraping through. You guys are one big reason of why Saturday means so much to me. I guess it's for that reason why I really want to bring my friends here to Megalife even though the distance is like wow. I regret not opening up to this cell earlier. It's like just as when I want to open up and then multiplication comes. That's quite sad but it's ok cos we have some sort of bond within us so yeah, there is still hope I guess.

I can feel some stirring that there is going to be revival in my school. But I hope that I won't die like old major in animal farm before it happens. No just joking. But I'm serious about the revival part and I hope that the Christians in my school will step up and prove to the rest that we're not like what shakespeare portrays us as, cos it tears my heart when I see Christians in the past acting to differently from what God has called us to be. So i'm gonna try and step out of my comfort zone to save one more, and I hope all of us would do the same as well. Stand up and openly spread God's word and not be afraid of prejudices because our God is with us through it all.

To end, thank you guys for everything and I mean it. I won't know where else I could have learnt so much from all of you. Our God has greater plans for us, let's ride the wave :)

God's beloved Central Two. (:
@ 8:26 AM
Before I start....

Hahaha. Okay. I just bathed. And I'm looking for food. HAHA. Okay. I'm really tired, but I don't want today to end so soon, so I'm not about to sleep anytime soon. (: I want to stay up to wait for all the long long mushy sms-es to come and read them and smile to myself. (:

It feels like it's just a while ago that we were looking at the week ahead and thinking about how it's going to be tough saying 2 goodbyes. And in the blink of an eye, it's all over. Saturday has come and gone. I tried hard not to cry, hahaha sorry that I failed.

You know, even after exhorting different ones of you and addressing all of you as a cell, I still feel like there's so much I haven't said. There's so much more I want to say. There's so many more hugs I want to give, so many more photos I want to take, and so much more love I want to give.

I just... Don't know how to put it all into words. I'm going to try my best to do it now. And I may repeat what I said just now, but I'm just going to say it anyway. (:

Central Two.
God has blessed me tremendously with you guys. Each time I see all of you I see hope, I see such great potential, and I see Jesus.
It really has been the best time of my life being in this cell, serving you guys and loving you guys. Honestly in 2009, there were many times I feel like I'm not a good enough leader. And when I look at Jayna, I feel so inspired. I say this so many times, but I really do. The way she loves all of you really inspires me to press on in leadership and love all of you for just who you are.
There are countless things I wish I had done better. I wish I had given more of my time to you guys, to really know all of you personally, to be a true friend who will stand by you, to be someone you can turn to. Many times I wish I had put in more effort to make cell meetings good for all of you. And just so much that I wanted to do.
You know, Central Two, you're a bunch of kids that are set apart. We are a people after God's heart, we are God's cell. God's hand has really been upon this cell. Over the years I've really seen His faithfulness in Central Two, and I am amazed. He has really used us in many ways, to inspire people around us. Like through H1N1, many have come to this place and been inspired. All of you, God has placed something very unique in you. Keep your heart open to God, avail yourselves for Him to use you. And He will. (: Central Two, we've put our hands in the plough, let's not look back. (:
God has great things in store for us. Although I really miss you guys already and I'm sad that we won't be in the same cell anymore, I'm excited for what's ahead. Really really excited. Don't lose focus! Let's keep our eyes on God, let's continue to walk close to Him.

This family has brightened up my life, my weeks, my days. And I will always remember us for what we are now. There's nothing more 'Central Two' than all of us put together. It's just so... Central Two.

I love all of you very, very, very much. I want to hug all of you now! Hahaha. I will always love all of you. And I will be here for anyone of you if you ever need a friend. I will not judge you. I will just, love you. (:

My sincere prayer is for all of us to form new and BOOMZ friendships in our new cells. (: Embrace your new cell members. Grow with them. Dream with them. Walk with them. Love them. (:

I am proud of every single one of you. It has been the greatest honour to be your leader. We will be God-chasers, we will be God's arms and legs. And like Jayna said in the video, let's go write brand new stories. (:
I love you. (:


The thing I regret is not saying this at Cell
@ 6:25 AM
Okay Kendrick here, this is my first time I ever posted on this cell blog, and I think we all SHOULD know why I am going to do this.

Cell today was really sad, but I hope we can move on from this, because, well meh it's going to be better if we let go. I cried today during cell, and I hope that no one noticed, but then again I don't think I did a good job of hiding it. It's like Central 2 has dissolved, and aren't going to be sure about where this is going to go.

Cell was always a bright light at the end of a week for me, for most of you, you probably don't really know much about my life, and sad to say, I didn't really have a life before coming to Megalife. I was always that good boy going to school and doing his tests, I had friends, I made them broke them and lost them really easily. I was also really fat then, and got bullied a lot, and I became a fighter. I landed some people in the hospital before for that.

So when I first came into cell, I wasn't really sure of how life would change for me. In Superlife, I sat by and read the bible, and completely tao-ed the talking because it was always the same freakin' thing. I also saw how fun Megalife was from a distance so I really wanted to join. Unfortunately, I came in as a rather quiet guy, and on the first cell day I remembered I threw sweets at Chee Yann and Benton :x. I opened up but not completely.

This is mostly about Jiaru, and this was probably the reason why I cried during cell. When Jiaru came into cell halfway into the year(because he got never got around to finding out his own cell and ran off to his friend's one), I kind of opened up to him the most. I think most of the older ones sec 3, 4 and above noticed that, and maybe the sec 2s but I'm not sure because they came in later. He made life a whole lot more bearable for me because honestly, I was broken deeply inside. It's really hard to explain why, but I got a whole lot better.

Dammit I'm crying again here.
He's going to a new cell this year.

Now I know I'll still get to see him around church and get to torture him, but I relied on him a lot during a lot my Sec 1 life. I even remembered that I would sometimes wonder to come to cell on account if Jiaru was here or not. So this change is really a lot to me, though I try to keep a straight face and lie about it being okay, because I definitely am not. I don't know how I'm going to cope but I'm going to keep trying. I feel really bad, it's almost like telling people how am I supposed breathe with no air.

So to Jiaru, (though I don't know whether you see this or not) thanks. I had you for a tiger, and you will be my first and last one. I will have other people to torture, but it's never going to be the same without you. You're special to me.

To the rest of the cell, I want to challenge all of you. I am going to do my best to get over this and bond with my new cell, and I want everyone to do the same okay? If we keep holding on to something that is gone, we can never move forward.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010 @ 4:48 AM
Hello Central Two!

I think all of us are still a bit sad about Benton's leaving. Like when you wake up next morning and reality strikes it bites again. But, cheer up! (: Benton's going somewhere, like, for the better! So we should be happy for him. :D Distance won't do us part. Let's keep in touch with him k! *touch* Once a cell always a cell. He'll always be our brother. :D

I can't wait for us to meet again on Saturday. I love how we spent time together today. (: It was awesome. Love all of you so much! (:
Jiayou for your last 3 days of school this week!!! (: For those of you who have no school AND KEEP SHOWING OFF (LIKE SEXY), enjoy your hols. HEHE. :D


Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @ 7:49 AM
Hey Central Two,

I'm so sorry for the long lag, been caught up with stupid school stuff so I'm finally getting down to doing the design for our cell shirt! Anyway here it is, the front and the back.

SORRY I know it's ultrasmall and the only thing you can see is Central Two, but around it are our names. Try clicking on it to zoom? Hahaha. Er anyway yeah this is the design, for now. Any objections? Please say no. HAHA. This will be the front of the shirt, the back will be the verse you guys have chosen (1 John 4:19) in the same font.

It looks kinda plain, but I guess that's good cos simple shirts always work right? Anyway yeah erm, when we print it bigger I'm sure it'll look nicer and all :)

Also, we must credit Joan Ng for this design okay!! It was her idea so we must really thank her for it :)

Andddddddd, please cooperate with us when we ask for your sizes and everything, if you guys don't reply promptly we'll just have to go ahead and order and that means, no shirt for you :( BOOHOO RIGHT. So must reply sms!

Anyway yeah hope you guys have been having awesome weeks of school, each time my teacher talks about something to do with h1n1, or everytime I look out of the window I think of you guys!! I'm so sweet right :) Hahaha. By the way outside my window there's this weird looking plant, don't ask me why but it really reminds me of you guys. I think cos it's shaped like a "c".

Okay anyway, hope you guys are okay with the design, it's ROYAL BLUE with WHITE words. Okay? Good night and see you guys in 2 days! :)

Love, Jayna.
PS: Btw if I missed out any names I'm really really sorry, please let me know k? Cos I kinda did it from memory and I don't trust myself so...just let me know :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010 @ 1:20 AM
Dear Central Two,

Firstly let me show you something cool.

You guys are all over my pencil case!! This will keep me smiling throughout my boring week at school :)

Okay anyway, this post is about the cell shirt! So if you guys wanna have a say in the shirt must please voice your opinions, either through the tagboard here, or by SMS-ing me. Since we have a very short time to complete the shirt and send it in for designing, we'll need you guys to reply quick!

Anyway after yesterday I received feedback that the shirt was too plain, or also that you guys wanted to put our names on the shirt, so JoanNg the Genius helped me to think up an alternative design to the old one. It's not ready yet, but basically it will have all our names in front with a big CENTRAL TWO in the middle. And behind it'll be a bible verse!

I know now it sounds really weird and messy, but when the design is ready I'll be sure to show it to you guys :) Anyway for the verse behind, wanted to ask you guys which you want? We thought of a few, here they are. (Please tag to indicate which verse you like the best. If you don't know how to use the tagboard or what can also SMS me lah, hahaha)

  1. Joshua 1:9, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
  2. 1 Timothy 4:12, "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."
  3. 1 John 4:19, "We love because he first loved us"
So far these are the suggestions, let me know if you guys have anymore! :) Also, if you guys like the old design better, let me know too. The old design is "I love my Jesus" in front and "Central Two" at the back, Royal Blue base (YES SUCH A COLOR EXISTS) and White font. :) Okay?

Also, reminder to you all, there's gonna be prayer meeting this Friday at dunno what time but I'll SMS you guys again :) We should all meet for dinner okay?!

Have an awesome second week of school, if you have any questions or got nothing better to do, feel free to come ask me okay! Miss you guys already :)

Love, Jayna.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010 @ 6:36 PM
Hey guys! I haven't been here in ages, it's so great to see you have kept updating and stuff! (I also haven't posted here since 2008?)
Anyways, about last weekend, 2 Jan 2010. It was sooo great to see you guys! But it was also sad to hear C2 is multiplying. Yeah...

I REALLY TRULY BELIEVE WITH ALL MY HEART THAT C2 WILL DO GREAT THINGS! It made me kind of jealous, I'll be missing all the great stuff you're going to do! (dunno what they'll be yet) I am so proud even now of what I see in C2. Something is there that is so special -and I'm NOT being biast- that makes C2 stand out to me. Technically, there won't BE a C2 in Feb, but you get what I mean. And if you don't, let me spell it out for you guys: ALL THE C2 PEOPLE, EVEN WHEN YOU MULTIPLY AND SEPERATE, YOU WILL DO GREAT THINGS. In schools, in ML, IN SINGAPORE.

Yup, that's about it.
love you guys!!!!
Amberlie <3

Short testimony :)
Monday, January 4, 2010 @ 4:12 AM
Hi C2 :)
Joan Ng here!!

I'm not here to post about the sad truth of multiplication! Because it's already set and all we can do is to accept it and move on. Furthermore, our God is an awesome God who can do great things through this multiplication of cells amen!? :)

ANYWAY, I wanna share my experience with you guys after Elevate camp :)
I know it's A LITTLE BIT late but still.......... :)

You know, after the camp or even during the camp, I felt that this camp was seriously boring.
I went for Elevate camp with expectant hearts, seriously. I have a list of "wants" in my heart. I want God to work in me. I want God to break the wall in my heart, I want God to give me a breakthrough, I want God to let the fire burn passionately again. I seriously really went with an expectant heart. However, I was disappointed in the end.

Even at the last day of camp, I was praying "God, this is the last service, please please please speak to me."
I was indeed desperate. I don't want myself to feel wasted for going for this once in a year camp and receive nothing. Then after the last service, I still felt nothing.

Not that it's nothing, maybe I feel that God was just half done with me. I was not fully filled yet.
But after getting home, I had this strong prompting from God. He's asking me to step out of my comfort zone and start talking to this friend of mine which I kinda hated. (This was one of my prayer request from God during camp. To break this wall of hatred.)

I know that this hatred wall has been blocking and hindering my walk with God.
I know that with this wall blocking, I can't rise to a higher level that God wants me to.
I was really worried about it and has been asking God how can I break this wall.
God finally revealed the word "friends" to me after the camp. Then I realised, God has been speaking to me about that issue during camp! I just ignored Him because I didn't want to step out of my comfort zone.

That very night after camp, I decided to trust God and talk to my friend.
Amazingly, after talking it out, that wall of hatred was broken!

The very next day, I was invited to a countdown party and my friend was there too!
On the way there, I was telling Joanne how I felt that it was all God's plan. Just the day before, God wanted me to step out of my 1st comfort zone, and the next day, God pushed me to step out of my 2nd comfort zone.

Even during the countdown party, my friend and I finally had the chance to talk face to face, and it was already 2010 (the first time we spoke after months)
At that point of time, I heard this small voice in me saying "Brand new year, brand new life"
My wall was broken. In a new year of 2010, I'm brokenfree!

Also, after camp. I became more sensitive to God's voice!
Which really made me all excited!! Hahaha, seriously, but it's really REALLY scary to me that God has been revealing to me a lot of stuff.

Also, I was so excited that I will keep thinking of stuff God will do through me! Like all the awesome stuff I will be doing for God, it kinda makes me really excited :) I believe that Elevate camp had impacted me in a great way! Even though the camp itself was kinda dry with just 1 day of games and all workshop and services, I think it's really AMAZING how God does His stuff :)

Recently, what's bothering me is that God has been telling me that I'm not suppose to be in usher and that He has another plan for me. I still can't really figure out (or rather confirm) what I am hearing. Please pray for me! :(



Saturday, January 2, 2010 @ 10:25 PM
Dear Central Two,

I feel so weird. Everytime I see you guys I'd be crying for one reason or another. WHY DO YOU PEOPLE ALWAYS MAKE ME SO SAD. No lah kidding. Anyway I hope you guys are feeling better today, decided to post something here so that those people who are really bored and wanna read something nice (or at least I HOPE it's nice) before going to school tomorrow, you'll have something.

I know you guys are really sad about the multiplication, I know how it feels, but like how I told a few of it, it'll take time. We need to give some time for the idea to sink in. I apologize on behalf of the leaders, the announcement yesterday was way, way, way too sudden. If you guys would have preferred to hear it a week later then that's my fault. But yeah, I just want you guys to know it's perfectly fine to be sad :)

In fact, seeing you guys so sad and all, really is quite heartening. (This is so sadistic)
It shows me that you guys, really love the cell. To me, this cell is...so much more than just a group of secondary school kids, and it's like...I don't know how to describe it, you know? You guys are like family, like how Joan put it. This cell is really the place where I've grown up in, and I really thank God for all the brothers and sisters he's given me, that is, you people :)

I hope you guys will not think of this multiplication as this family being split up, or being broken apart. Rather, I hope that you guys will look at it as our family is simply, growing. New members are coming in, and we gotta spread the Central 2 love to them too. Show them what really makes us click, show them why we do what we do. Show them how we love each other, and show them that we love them the same. Amen? :)

Let's not get too stressed up about the whole 3 more cells left thing, I mean come on, if we're really that close, we'll find a way to stick together right? :)

Chung Cheng People, I want you to know I'm really happy for you guys. I know this is really out of your comfort zone, as it is for the rest of us, but I know that God has even bigger plans for you in your new cell. You just gotta believe it, time to upgrade your dreams man. :) Remember the big dreams you guys had for chung cheng in the past? :) It's time for them to really be lived out, time for you guys to look forward to that.

As for my people, don't let anyone call you "others" or "miscellanous" okay! We have a name, and it's Central TWO! And we must continue to stay close to the chung cheng people okay. Our friendship is really really strong, so I know even with this multiplication we'll find ways to keep in touch and still remain good friends :) Alright?

I know you guys probably spent last night watching C2 videos from the past, like when we (my batch) was sec one, nubian gents, megalife camps, up till now, and you guys were thinking about all the good times we had together. Lemme tell you something, the memories built up here in Central Two are like, the best memories ever. Things like h1n1, that bonded us so much, like CFD, like cell camp, like megalife camp, I'll really never ever ever forget it. Best memories ever :) I'd really give anything to go back and do it all over again.

But, let's look forward. Now it's time for us to go into our new cells and write new stories of God's faithfulness. Let's keep track of the great wonders that God will do in our new cell, and in time to come let's share them and know that the current heartbreak and everything would be worth it. Okay? :)

Don't be sad anymore okay? Let's be happy, because we deserve to be :) We've fought hard as a cell for a lot of things. And no matter what, no one can take away the 31st December 2009 Central Two that will always be in our hearts, right? :)


Friday, January 1, 2010 @ 8:51 AM
Hello my dearest Central Two. (:

You guys melt my heart. Thank you all so so so much for the leaders' appreciation yesterday.

I never expected to ever be surprised/appreciated/loved that way. It's so heartwarming. Wah, I don't know what to say! You guys sprang so many surprises. I thought it was over, then yal have one more item, and I thought that was it, and one more item, and like... Woah. It's a really sweet surprise. (:

Just a very big thank you to the different ones who gave your little speeches, and those of you who msg-ed me after CFD, and to the cfd comm, and to every single one of you! Like Jayna said, I'm glad to have been able to spend the last day of 2009 with all of you. (:

Ah, I'm at such a loss for words. I love you guys! Thank God for this cell. (:

2010 is here! Let's embrace this new year and its new challenges. Let's continue being a support for each other okay? (:

Love you!

@ 3:28 AM
Hey C2 :)

I am so encouraged by you guys on how you're starting to show love and appreciation to the leaders now :) Just so you know, not just the leaders, I guess we all love each other right? :)

Through camp, God really shown me the joy in kids (all the sec ones)
Also, after working with Wenhao for CFD, I really find that all of you are really cute and special in your own ways. Let's really appreciate one another okay? Let's kick start 2010 showing love to the people around you :)

Love the people around you like the way Jesus love us :)
Shine for God alright? :)

Love, Joan faith.

Thursday, December 31, 2009 @ 7:05 AM
it's been awhile since i blogged! :D
and i wanted to thank all of you for being great cell members!
you all are special in our own ways and ALL OF YOU INSPIRES ME!
you all are always so loving! thank you for all the little things you do, your encouragement, your sharing, cause i am really touched by everyone thing you guys do!
and i really treaure all the memories we shared!!!!!!
:D thanks for the joy!!!!
i learnt a lot from all of you!
just want to encourage you all to continue to pursue God whole heartedly!
let's run this race together!


@ 6:55 AM
Dear Central Two,

I'm really, seriously, honestly, frankly, really really really, at a loss for words. In the blink of an eye I'll be entering into my fourth year in Central Two. I have to say, I really do feel old. (Did you know the sec ones in my camp group guessed that I was 20?!) But oh well, I've still got people like Chee Yann to count on, he is SO old. Joan Chew and Charis too. Isaac is ancient.

But in these 4 years, I really have to say that I've found a really precious family in this cell. This is not a routine, for me to go to church every saturday, attend service and cell and take an hour-long bus ride home after, rather, it's probably the thing I look forward most to in my...life. (This sounds so weird but it's true)

I appreciate how Central Two is made up of different ones from different schools. I appreciate how the Chung Cheng people never fail to make me laugh with their lame nonsense and shrieking and high-ness and everything. Every St Margs girl needs a Chung Cheng buddy. As for the rest of you guys in your own schools, you have impacted me tremendously as well. There are times when I feel like reaching out to my school mates is impossible. After all, I have no cell mates in my school, it's just I, me and myself, right? Wrong. Because there are you people that always inspire me to keep pushing forward and not give up, that we're in the same boat.

Let me take you to a very typical scene of Jayna's life that I'm sure you all have probably experienced at one point or another.
Imagine with me,
It's Monday, it's 1.30 pm, it's hot, you're hungry, and your chemistry teacher is going "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah" and all you're hearing is..."lalalalala"?
Torturous, right? It's at times like these that I really appreciate knowing that I am 5 days away from my favourite day of the week, where I get to be in the company of my best friends, worshipping the best God, giving him the best praise.
I guess that's what you guys give me, something to look forward to :)

Though in the future we may need to go our own ways and should "Plan A" really occur, (I've said this millions of times) but I'm sure our friendships will still remain. It's not one of those cliche lines that people use, "Oh, let's be fwenz 4eva" thing? Okay, this song really puts it into perspective for me:

"Because friends are friends forever,
If the Lord's the Lord of them,
And a friend will not say never,
Because the welcome will not end,
Though it's hard to let you go,
In the father's hands we know,
That a lifetime's not too long to live as friends".


For the leaders, JoanC and Benton
Thank you so much for leading the cell so powerfully and so passionately. I have never seen people love other people this much. Before I met you guys, I never really believed in the concept of "correct them in love". But after seeing the way you guys lead the cell, I really believe that God has given you people as leaders a really special calling. Though it may not be easy (or it never is), it is 100% worth it. To see your members rise up to answer the call that God has on their life. 100% man, seriously. Thank you both for mentoring me, guiding me and praying for me. Thank you Joan, for always checking up on me though you are like, busier than Lady Gaga. And for Benton, thank you for being the lousiest cushy pillow ever, you really taught me what it means to "shut up and just do it" and that's something I need.

For the current batch of Sec Ones,
You. Guys. Are. So. Awesome!!!!! At times when I feel tired or discouraged in the process of leading this cell, I always think about the young ones God has placed in our midst. God has given each and everyone one of you so much potential, it's really spilling out from your ears eyes mouth and everything. Know what I mean? This is not just me saying it but me, meaning it. You people have opened my eyes to see that God believes in young people. For the few of you I had a chance to know better, it's been an honor being your..."big sister". For those of you that I haven't really gotten to know better, I WILL SMS YOU SOON LIKE JOAN SAYS :) And you'll be stalked!! But seriously, I mean it, rise up and take hold of the calling God has on your life. I'll always be here for you people :)

For Kendrick and Jiaru,
You guys always make me laugh my head off. Whether it's cotton on shorts or your chiminology, you guys always, ALWAYS brighten up my day. There is also so much potential in you guys to do great things for God, really. Live it out and shout it loud! I know that your batch is one of the smaller batches in the cell, but CHILLI PADI OKAY! Small yet powerful :) I believe in you guys. (Just stop pranking my phone Jiaru!!)

For the current batch of Sec Threes (MY AWESOME BATCH)
By the time you guys are reading this, you'll be sec four. Oh, my, good, ness, we are old!!! But hey you know it's been so nice growing up with all of you in Central Two, imagine with me about the times when we first entered c2! Grasspatch dinners, pinata for games, pictionary, non-stop thambi loves curry. Good times. But as you guys enter into this year I really pray that God will give you a supernatural strength. Sec 4 ain't gonna be easy. I don't know about you guys, but I won't be able to do it on my own. Let's pray that God will give us the strength we need, amen? Like I always say, "ordinary people in the hands of an extraordinary God can take the world by storm" :) We can do it!! This being the last year in c2, I really encourage you guys to...I dunno. Do everything. I don't know how to put it. But come on, it's your last year, it's time to pull out all the stops (if there's such a saying) and...do everything possible to invest in this cell before you guys leave :) I really love you guys, and I can't imagine cell without you!

I know this is kind of biased, but...
For the Cell Fun Day (III) Committee,
I really don't know how to thank you guys enough. I remember being in Venice when I read your replies to my email (the "don't kill me" one). Though I was really lonely over there and trust me, the cold wasn't making it any better, you guys always made my day. I remember annoying my dad so much saying that I wanted to use his phone to check my email so I could see your replies. OKAY THIS IS SO MEAN. Anyway thank you for meeting up so so so many times for the planning (though you know it wasn't always planning) of CFD. It really amazes me, the devotion that you guys have towards an event like this, I never really knew it was possible. For Joan, thank you for really spear heading this thing and organizing everything together. Thank you Daphne, for always being available anytime and anywhere and you were always ever ready to meet up with us. Thank you Shaun, for singing for us when I was down and for making me laugh all the time. Thank you for travelling across Singapore so many times early in the morning just for the CFD meetings (note: most of the times by cab). Thank you Wenhao, for being so devoted to the whole event and being sad about having to miss gatherings cos of your trainings. It's actually quite touching. And thank you 4 for being such good buddies, and for planning the best CFD ever, hands down best, I surrender :) And for making me cry non stop!!! You guys are awesome <3 Although I'm feeling really sick now, just now was just too good to be true man! To be honest, no one ever made me cry that hard and that long ever before, so you guys should be honoured!! But yeah, thanks so much, my favourite bunch :) Even when I was crying like a...loser(?) you guys still gave me hugs and the guys offered me tissues/SMSed me because they didn't dare talk to me. See why I love you guys so much? :) So I guess that concludes my 2009. Rest early people, we have a world waiting for us to spread the love of God and yet another year to add on to our lifespan waiting for us. With Love,

Thursday, December 24, 2009 @ 11:49 PM

Hahaha So excited! :D just love it man, after that we have CEEL FUN DAY! :D Wow! ITs just so great to end off the year with cam[! Awesome! :D really wanna urge all of us to open your hearts to God and to receive. Lets not keep thinking about all our problems and all, there is no time for that for camp, lets just surrender it all to God and let god have all authority over our lives yeah! :D Ahhhh Well, hope all of us would have a great time during camp and experience God too, throughout this whole year, i've experienced God so many times, but i never get tired of it, because it is the love of God, it is a transformation in my own life, thats so awesome! :D

Never take God's love for granted, continue seeking him! :D

Haaha Merry Christmas everyone! I've just seen a cartoon, it was about christmas presents and stuff, the moral of the show was that, it isnt about how many gifts you get, but the real gift you should look for is happiness and time together in the heart.

Alright man! I'll see all of you tomorrow! Keep that fire for God!

See ya!

@ 4:26 AM

YO C2!:D:D:D


Haahahaha hope all of you are having a great Christmas party, having big grand feast with your family and relatives,Awesome. Hahaha i really wanna fast for ELEVATE aww but its just feasting everyday BIG MEALS! not fasting, its feasting HAHAHAA! I just Love the sound of ELEVATE, all packed up and ready to go? Hahaha most importantly, get your hearts prepared for what God has in plan for your lives, let this ELEVATE Camp be a fresh start for you, it is time for us to turn away from the past, and to smile at what God has in plan for your future!:D

Man! Just the best thing to end of the year, instead of 6 hours interacting with our cell and sharing our problems and things like that, ITS 4 DAYS 3 NIGHTS! YEAH! this is my first megalife camp i've ever been to, and im way excited for it man! :D :D :D hahahaha yeah let us continue to have a personal ownership over your faith with God even after the Camp!

Let us open our hearts,open our minds, Truly it is by God's grace, it is because of his grace why all of us are alive right this moment, he deserve all glory! Amen! God really taught me not to hestitate when i am interacting with people im not too familiar with, like how God placed me as an usher in school, it felt quite weird, but somehow God talked to me, it goes like, these are the people im working with for like 4 years, do not regret this moment for your life. Through all this, i have learnt to just be myself, no matter how new they may seem to me, in the same way in a more spiritually form, i have learnt not to be self-focused and to be God-focused, do not think about what may happen or what if i may get embarrassed, God placed you there for a reason, do not waste it!(:

Hahaha in my camp group, it feels quite weird having new faces, its like i just dropped back in some shy talk. God has really taught me to just be myself, and most importantly, trusting in him, carrying his presence wherever i go. This would also gain my confidence in evangelising, because i always have doubt when evagelising, but truly it is by God's strength that he overcame.

This is my testimony, the proof of God's love! God has transformed me, moving me so greatly since the start of the year or more like when i stepped into megalife. Not knowing that God was actually using me since i was born. All i can do to repay God is to give him my whole-hearted worship! Amen!

Always have that faith for God, never let him go! EVERYONE A MERRY CHRISTMAS!:D
See you guys and girls during ELEVATE CAMP! Yeah! (: We are gonna have an awesome time with God. Continue praying! Hunger for God, Seeking God! God's light will shine, have an open heart! :)


Wednesday, December 23, 2009 @ 6:18 AM
Hey dearest central 2!! :)

Joan Ng here!
Just wanna let you guys know that the Cell Fun Day committee are working very hard planning for this CFD. I hope that all of you are looking forward to it (other than Elevate camp). We were only informed about the CFD 3 weeks before the actual day. So we're meeting on ALL the days that we are free. All of us are excited for CFD and we hope that you guys will turn up!! Even though it's a little bit costly ($10), but we will make sure that it will worth your money!! :)

We're gonna have BBQ and also prize for the winning group of the day!! :)
Seriously, this is like the first time we're having prize for the winning group!

So, please bring $10 to Elevate camp if you have not pay for the CFD yet!

Last of all, hope ALL of you are ready for Elevate camp!
Spend some time praying at night to ask God to open your heart and make you ready to receive whatever He's plan for you! :) And also, please rest well and don't fall sick! PACK FOR CAMP OK!!

Merry Jolly Christmas!
Let's remember the REASON in this SEASON!

With so much love, Joan Faith!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009 @ 5:04 AM
Hey Central Two, Ernest here.

I Know of this person, you may have experienced this person's power in your life before, this person is also very interested in your relationships,especially when the relationship is very strong, and this person would do ANYTHING to DESTROY this relationship of yours, this is non other than the satan.

As we get closer and closer to ELEVATE CAMP, i believe many of you are really looking forward to it, getting our hearts ready for what we are expecting and what God wants to reveal to each and everyone of you.

But be prepared, the devil would do all means to destroy that relationship,to destroy your growth with God, giving you doubts and negative thoughts.

This issue had already hit my family, my brother fell ill this morning and had a high fever and could not move or eat much. I had a slight headache today too, there were many negative thoughts wandering in my mind and stuff like that. It was very hard to focus on God and i just lost control of myself and shouted at my Grandma, man i really felt guilty about that.

But, instead of reminding myself and crying about what had happened, the best thing to do is to thank God for making it happen. God gave all this to me because it is all for a higher purpose, God planned it all out, and i truly thank God for it all. I have been looking forward to ELEVATE so much i wasnt much prepared for any spiritual attack from the devil, i just lost my cool, truly God is amazing, sometimes the best time when you get closest to God is when God let all the spiritual attacks fall on you, because God planned it all out for you to seek him more and more, my words cannot really describe how much i thank God! Amen

Central Two, God came down to Earth as a human being, Jesus Christ, to show his love to the world, let us just give it all back to him, he deserves it!

I just want to surrender all that i am into God's hands, especially as i enter into his altar. I do not want to keep thinking about all things struggles and stuff, i just want to stop trying and to let it all go into God's hands.

Man.... i truly thank God deep down in my heart, my words cannot explain how much i want to thank him.

Central Two, be prepared for the devil to attack, but forever trust in the Lord, because it is he who let all these fall into you, God did not promise it to be all smooth sailing, but he did promise that if you trust in him, he will overcome it all, believe in his unfailing love, God is good all the time!


God has really been showing his love in my life, i will continue to seek him, trusting in him, situation and feeling will never dampen the songs in my soul, there is no excuse to not spend time with God, just a few minutes, sacrifice some of your time for God, discipline your mind, God deserves it, after all the love and grace he has shown in my and your life, just think about it........................... Jesus was pierced on the cross and blood was shed by a sinless man, for his love is so great his love is unconditional, HE CAN DO ALL THINGS! YEAH!!!

I hope to see all of you all fired up for God this ELEVATE CAMP! WOOOO! YEAH MAN, AWESOME AMEN ! Surrender yourselves to God, everything that you have been through the whole week or anything that is worrying you, just leave it into God's hands, as long as you are willing, God will overcome it all.

Yeah lets all come together in our ELEVATE camp group and praise him with all we are. YEAH ELEVATE! WOOO HAHAHAHHAHAA!Everlasting God, he will guide us.


Friday, December 18, 2009 @ 5:48 PM
YO C2!

Christmas Service is just tomorrow! and ELEVATE is just ummm................. 1 WEEK AWAY! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Lets prepare our hearts for these great events yeah! Great to see all of you pushing on, trusting in the Lord through it all. Beyong having a good time and celebration, let us always remember what is the purpose of christmas, it is also a good time to thank the Lord for what he has done for us on the cross. Let us thank the Lord once again for coming onto this planet about 2000 years ago, to set an example for all of us, and to die on the cross for all OUR sins.

Yeah, awesome, i really pray for those friends whom many of you are bringing tomorrow, i pray that as they enter into God's house, i pray that there would be open hearts, they may not fully understand, but let us continue to have faith that Salvation will enter into their lives and leave everything else to God. I also pray for those who have been keeping their faith in God, i pray that God will give you a new vision, let us not let our feelings decide how we would worship God, our worship for God is not about how we feel, but it is about how God feels, he deserves it all! If God has called you to do something, even if it is the weirdest of things, it is for a purpose, if youtrust in the Lord, he will make your path straight, continue to seek him!

God is really moving our church greatly yeah, I believe all of you have felt that too. Through this whole journey, since i entered into Megalife and truly believed that God can set me free,God put me in a great group of people, not just any other group of people, but this group is very close to me, praying for each other especially during the times of trouble and struggles, and this group has been following God and trusting in Him through it all, this group is none other than CENTRAL TWO! God has been using us greatly, like how he used us to let H1N1 hit us, to me, God placed it in our cell because he really wants to get us ready for what he really has in plan for our lives, he let H1N1 hit our cell because he wants us to seek him more and more, to put our trust in him and to be committed to him. Truly, if H1N1 did not hit our cell, or more like the church, if the cell camp moved so smoothly, i think i would not have understood God's power in my life. It is really a blessing that God used us, God chose CENTRAL TWO, not any other cell, just CENTRAL TWO, for a purpose, and i really thank God for that.

Now ELEVATE is just 1 week away!1 WEEK! 1 WEEK! Awesome! Can't wait for it man! I'm really looking forward to what God wants to reveal to me, but of course, lets not wait for ELEVATE, i mean.... it does not mean ELEVATE CAMP!!! then we ELEVATE!!!, lets start seeking God now, right this moment, to search our hearts, take out any distraction,emotions, everything that is worrying us and just focus on him, 4 days 3 nights of just worshipping him, crying out for God, God , God, we need you! ELEVATE is Gonna be Awesome, lets pray for everything to go smoothly, the weather to be fine, that there would be no injuries and such so that we can praise God altogether spiritually,mentally, and physically! May God be Glorified!

Let us Praise God for Joan's 'N' Levels Results yeah!, it is really a blessing for her, i believe it has been a really tough journey for her, and she did not handle it by herself, she surrendered it all to God, and God in turn blessed her with the 11 points. This is a good reminder for us to never let God go, no matter what we may be facing in life, always trust in God, when you are a mature Christian, do not take God's love for granted, continue to seek a greater intimacy with him, God is our priority, let us do our best and leave the rest to God!

Let us come together as a community and in unity, let us just invite God's manifest presence amongst our cell and even to the whole church, that God will touch each and everyone of them greatly, especially those who are pre-believers,unchurched-believers and those who are far from God, let us continue to pray for them yeah, you have experienced God in your life, and let us give the best we can to those who are still crying out to God, share your testimonies and pray that God will use them in a way that you experience, even greater even, everyone should be saved, God can do miracles, let us continue to have that faith for God!Amen

Central Two, lets come together as a community tomorrow, seeking the Lordwith all our hearts, to be prepared for the great things God has in plan for our lives, keep that FIRE FOR GOD! Praise the Lord!


Elective Workshops!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 @ 9:32 AM

Woo! Nervous? Your posting for Elective Workshop is out!!!! Drumroll!!! Ta da da da~~~
Okay PLEASE CHECK if your name is there. If it's not on the list, let me/Daphne know.

1 - Leadership Exploration
2 - Using your gifts in Creative Art (PW, songwriting, drama and arts, writing, dance)
3 - Using your gifts in Sports
4 - Using your gifts in Science
5 - Principles from Average to Great
6 - Discovering your ministry

Adriel - 4
Daphne - 5
Ernest - 1
Jayna - 5
Joanc - 5
Joanne - 3
Shu Ling - 3
Kele - 5
Kieran - 4
Natalie - 2
Shaun - 4
Marcus - 5
Amelia - 5
Pamela - 5
Benton - 2
Joan Ng - 5
Jireh - 4
Joel - 3
Nicholas - 6
Rachel - 5
Jiaru - 5

Hope you guys have gotten what you want! (: Even if not, I believe God will still speak to you in whichever Elective Workshop you're in! So don't be disheartened, have an open heart to receive. (:

Also, most of us have met our groups already. Some of us may not be very satisfied with our groups, but don't feel disappointed! Even if we're not in a crazy-high group, it doesn't mean we won't have fun! Keep your minds open. After all, this camp is about God, not anything else. Plus, you never know what kind of valuable friendships may form from here! So don't worry about your group, everything will be fine.
Just be youself, that's what's most important. (:

I started packing already! A little. Can't help it. Too excited. HAHA. Hope you guys are feeling excited for camp too!

Remember, don't wait for camp before you walk close with God. Don't rely on camp. It can start now, today. Yes it's good to expect things from camp, but don't depend on it 100% okay!

If there's anything more you want to ask, feel free to approach Jayna or myself. Don't contact Benton though, he's not back from mission trip yet.

Love you!

Monday, December 7, 2009 @ 12:18 PM
Dearest Central Two,

Jayna here. I haven't seen you guys for a while and I miss you guys so much! I bet all of you didn't even realise my absence over the last 2 weeks right. Tragic.

But anyway it's 4.19 am for you guys now and 9 pm for me here and I've got nothing to do and none of you are online for me to talk to so I'm gonna share my thoughts on the upcoming Elevate camp.

I thought it'd be cool, so I checked up dictionary.com for the definitions of elevate. Here I found that the term "elevate" is used to refer to:
  1. to move or raise to a higher place or position; lift up.
  2. to raise to a higher intellectual or spiritual level
  3. to raise the spirits; put in high spirits
I guess it's just me being weird, but I was particularly intrigued by the third definition, especially the part "put in high spirits". I don't know about you guys, but to me the term elevate always had the essence of improving, of promoting, of raising standards. Never did it occur to me that it could refer to the lifting of spirits.

I guess that could be one of the things that God could do through this camp, to lift up our spirits. For some of us, maybe we've been going through a spiritual dry patch, or maybe we've been discouraged. Maybe we're on the brink of giving up this fight for Jesus, maybe our hearts have been broken before. But maybe through this camp God is going to lift our spirits above the circumstances that we're in and show us how to still praise him. Maybe he's gonna quench our spiritual thirst, or even better, make us thirst for him more. Maybe he's gonna give us the answers to the many burning questions that we have. And maybe, he's gonna give us a glimpse into the impossible, if only we have a little more faith. All these things, could happen in those fateful 5 days. Or they could happen right now.

See, the point is, the term "elevate" can have many definitions or written meanings, but the only way to find out what kind of elevation God has in store for you is to seek him and simply...find out in due time. May I remind all of you that your breakthrough could come before camp. Don't delay praying fervently or seeking God earnestly till it's the night before camp. Let's start now.

Needless to say, I'm incredibly excited for this camp. For those of you that have never attended a Megalife camp before, let me assure you, you have a big reason to. Those of you that are afraid you'll be lonely or it'll be weird without your friends/cellmates around, chillax. It'll be fine. Take this opportunity to make new friends. Trust me when I say I know it's easier said than done. But let's not turn down potential friendships that God places in our lives.

That's all for now! I hope you all are doing well. I've been hearing news of a third Cell Fun Day...delicious. Anticipating it greatly. Looks like our year is gonna end with a bang. Camp, then cell fun day. Ahhh, I'm so glad to be a part of Central Two!

Folks, please finish your homework! You don't want to be thinking about it before, during, or even worse, after megalife camp. Sorry for nagging, but it's true.

And wow the choices for the Elective Workshops really got me tangled there, they all sound so good. OH YEAH and I heard that every night the cell will have supper together. YAY SO HAPPY.

Okay then, take care people and I'll see you next week!

Sunday, December 6, 2009 @ 8:01 PM

What are you expecting out of it? How do you want to grow from the camp? I hope you guys have thought about these things. (: If you haven't, it's time to start thinking! And seeking God as to what He  would want for you in this camp. Don't go to Elevate without any expectations.

On Friday at Prayer Mtg we prayed about Elevate. On Sunday there was a briefing for all the leaders for Elevate.
And from Fri till today I've been thinking about what I want through this camp.

Faith to be strengthened, strength to be renewed, and a manifestation of God's power in my life.
This came to me during the Prayer Mtg. This is only a part of what I want from camp.
I want to receive a lot. I want a deep work to be done in me, and I earnestly want my life to be changed. (: And I want to believe for these.

And there's one thing I want to do THROUGHOUT the whole camp, even from Day 1: To be undignified.
You know how it's always awkward on Day 1 of camp when we just get to know each other? And how sometimes you restrict your own behaviour because you don't know the people well yet?
But I wna encourage you C2, let's be undignified! From 12 Dec (pre-camp briefing), 26 Dec, till 29 Dec, let's let our hair down! (Yes guys you can do it too HAHA)

Don't care about how stupid you look! If you want to burst out laughing like crazy, JUST LAUGH!
If you want to jump, JUST JUMP!
If you want to scream, JUST SCREAM!
When you're having sharing sessions with your group, JUST SHARE FROM YOUR HEART!

For God has died on the cross to set us free. Freedom is ours to claim!
Don't be binded down by fear of what others might think of you. Be yourself. (:

Because when you're yourself, when you're relaxed, I believe that's when you can receive the most. (:
And I decided, I'm going to just be myself, just be undignified.

So yes! I've shared what I feel for Elevate. Anticipation is building, I hope it is for you guys too. But let's not neglect the Christmas Svc on 20 Dec okay! I'm proud of all of you, because when I was collating the names of the friends all of you want to invite, wow I was overwhelmed. PRAY FOR YOUR FRIENDS! (:

Feel free to post okay guys! Forget username/PW can ask me. (:

Love, Joanchew.

Elevate camp
Saturday, December 5, 2009 @ 9:57 AM
Okay guys! Here's it.

There will be Elective Workshops on the 2nd day of camp, so you are to pick your choice!  Out of the 6, you have to choose 3! And rank them. Like first choice, second choice, and third choice. Please SMS DAPHNE CHOO (93375059) your 3 choices! BY MONDAY, 7 DEC. This is a first-come-first-serve thing so if you want to get into your first choice, quickly SMS Daphne ok!
For organisation sake and so that Daphne doesn't have to spend time clarifying what you're trying to say in your msg, follow this format in your SMS:
1st choice: xxx
2nd choice: xxx
3rd choice: xxx

These Elective Workshops will bring out and develop your passion and gifting. It'll be fun, enriching, inspiring and encouraging. After the electives, we hope to see you guys rise up and use your passion and gifting for God's kingdom.

Alright the following are the choices and their descriptions!

1. Leadership Exploration, by David Ng
Leadership is a state of being. It is who you are, what you believe, and how you behave. In this fact-informed workshop, we will look at what researchers and the latest findings have to tell us about the core competencies required for those who want to rise to the place to influence others for change both in the marketplace and in church. This is a workshop not to be missed if you are aspiring for leadership!

2. Using your gifts in Creative Arts by Thomas Chow
God is a God of creativity and we are all creative being made in the image of God. In this cognitive and experiential workshop, we will unpack what the bible has to say about creativity and at the same time soak you into an experiential learning on how you can use your passion in multi-media, song and script writing, drama, arts etc via different platforms to impact lives.

3. Using your gifts in Sports by Marie Chan
This is a workshop for Sports lovers. In this fun workshop filled with activities, you will hear experiences from a lecturer and coach on how PE, physical activities and sports have helped people physcially, cognitively, emotionally, and spiritually in reaching out to others.

4. Using your gifts in Science by Elder Dr. Freddy Boey
God is a God of all creations. As His created being, we are gifted with the ability to invent and innovate to reflect Him. In this workshop, we will hear from a scientist and professor, on how to think innovatively to solve problems around us using science and thereby touching many lives.

5. Principles from Average to Great by Tony Lee
There is an enemy called Average. Many people have resigned to staying at average and thereby living in mediocrity. In this workshop, we will impart cognitive restructuring on how you can break out of limitations, patterns and mediocre thinking and rise to greatness wherever you are.

6. Discovering your ministry by Joachim Tan
God has given everyone specific gifts, passions and talents to build up the universal church. Discover how at a young age you coud start to identify, develop, and serve in the strengths and passion that God has placed within your heart! Many have been called, but few are chosen. Are you doing something about it today?

So guys! Quick! Take out your phones and SMS Daphne ok!!! Don't make her hunt you down for an answer!

I think the workshops this year sound really exciting. Eh if you hate Phy/Chem/Bio go the science one, then you'll be motivated to study. HAHA.

Ok I'll take this chance to remind you again about Christmas Svc, 20 Dec. We're going to the 1.45PM service since my suggestion to go to the 10AM svc was met with VIOLENT objection. We'll have Bens&Jerrys before the service  (FOC)! SMS you guys the meeting time and place again!

One more thing, remember 12Dec (this coming Sat) is the camp briefing for Elevate! Dinner will be provided. Bring some small change to pay for dinner okay, I think it should be $3.

OKAY BYE ALL! Have a great week! Love you guys. :D


Sunday, November 22, 2009 @ 7:15 AM

You can get the clearer ones at facebook!! :)

Love, Joan Faith

Monday, November 2, 2009 @ 12:40 AM
Hey Central Two,
Ernest here.

How are your intensive studying doing for the sec 3s?And lets keep Benton and Shaun in prayer for their 'O' Levels yeah? (:

I want to share with you some things about forgiveness.

Forgiveness is being aware of what someone has done and still choosing to forgive him/her.

Forgiveness is choosing to keep no records of wrongs.
1 Corinthians 13:5 says,"(Love)....it keeps no record of wrongs."

Forgiveness is choosing mercy and not judgement.

Forgiveness is an issue of the heart.
1 John 3:21
"Dear friends,if our hearts do not condemn us,we have confidence before God."

Forgiveness is giving to God our "Right of revenge"
Romans 12:19
"Vengeance is Mine,I will repay."(NKJV)

What Forgiveness Is Not
1.Forgiveness is not approving what the person has done.
John 8:11
"Go and sin no more."(NKJV)

2.Forgiveness is not excusing what the person has done.
Numbers 14:19
"Please pardon the sins of this people because of your magnificent,unfailing love,just as you have forgiven them ever since they left Eygpt."

3.Forgiveness is not justifying what the person has done.

4.Fogiveness is not denying what the person has done.

5.Forgiveness is not forgetting
Hebrews 8:12
"And I will forgive their wrongdoings,and i will never again remember their sins."(NLT)

6.Fogiveness is not pretending we are not hurt.
2 Samuel 11:27
"But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD."

Why should we forgive?

1. We are commanded to forgive-this is not an option.

Matthew 6:14-15
"If you forgive those who sin against you,your heavenly Father will forgive you.But if you refuse to forgive others,your Father will not forgive your sins."(NLT)

Ephesians 4:32
"Instead,be kind to each other,tenderhearted,forgiving one another,just as God through Christ has forgiven you."(NLT)

Colossians 3:13
"You must make allowance for each other's faults and forgive the person who offends you.Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others."(NLT)

2.Christ Himself has set the example.
a)On the cross

Luke 23:34
"Father,forgive these people,because they don't know what they are doing."(NLT)

Colossians 2:13-14
"13 You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away.Then God made you alive with Christ.He forgave all our sins.14 He canceled the record that contained the charges against us."(NLT)

Matthew 5:7
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Whom Should We Forgive?

1.Forgiving others
2.Forgiving God
3.Forgiving ourselves

What are the consequences of an Unforgiving Heart?

The Law Of Sowing And Reaping

Galatians 6:7-8
"Don't be misled. Remember that you can't ignore God and get away with it. You will always reap what you sow! Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful desires will harvest the consequences of decay and death. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit."(NLT)

Some Consequences are:
1. Torment of anger, bitterness and resentment that lead to sin.


3.Broken relationships

Ephesians 4:26
And "don't sin by letting anger gain control over you."

What are the Blessings of Forgiveness?
1.Blessings of God-biblical examples:
a)Genesis 26:17-33
Isaac walked in forgiveness with the shepherds regarding the ownership of the wells and God blessed him.

b)Genesis 29:14-30:42
Jacob walked in forgiveness of Laban, who as a father-in-law tricked him many times and changed his wages. God blessed Jacob's flocks.

2. Personal freedom from torment,emotional ties to the offenders.

3.Restoration of relationships

4.Healing in the spiritual, emotional and physical being.

How do we walk in forgiveness?

1.Healing is a process.It is a daily walk.

2.We need to continue to choose to forgive.

3.Choose to forgive and bless.

4.Discipline any wayward behaviour or thinking that the enemy may put into your minds that would cause you to doubt your forgiveness.(Philippians 4:8)

5.Believe in the power of forgiveness.

6.Do not dwell on the wrong done nor sin committed.

Forgiveness is often a major key in the process of healing and restoration.Do not doubt it.

Forgiveness is a very strong weapon,do not seek revenge but be merciful.Without forgiveness,this world would be in chaos.Thank God for forgiving the world and shining his light.

Love Ya :D

Sunday, November 1, 2009 @ 6:31 AM
Hey C2 :)
Jayna here again! I read something interesting and I wanted to share it with you guys, an interesting topic I suppose you guys probably have questions about it. So.....here goes. :) An excerpt from a book by Mary Pierce, let me know if you guys are interested in reading!

What does God sound like when he speaks to you? I don't really know what I was expecting to hear. Maybe I was expecting something more booming and majestic, a voice like thunder.

It's hard to know what God will sound like, or if we should even be hearing him. Some people who've claimed to hear his voice have gotten into trouble. Joan of Arc, for instance. Some people say prayer is a supernatural conversation that involves speaking and listening, which means that God is going to say something to you. Others call it "lunacy", but God spoke to people in the bible all the time. I'd read about the prophet Elijah's experience with hearing the voice of God.

Do you know the story? It's found in 1 Kings 19:1-13. I'll sum it up here. Elijah was pooped out, and he ran for his life, ending up in a cave. God asked him a question, "what are you doing here, Elijah?". Then God told him to step our of the cave, on the mountain, "in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by". Not only was God speaking to Elijah, but God was about to make a physical appearance.

But the Lord said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

10 Elijah replied, “I have zealously served the Lord God Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and killed every one of your prophets. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me, too.”

11 “Go out and stand before me on the mountain,” the Lord told him. And as Elijah stood there, the Lord passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper. 13 When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave.

And a voice said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

You see, God doesn't speak in the storms, earthquakes, fires and wind. He speaks in the whisper. I sense him asking me the same question. What am I doing here, with my life, with my days, with my moments?How do we find the time to listen to God when the calendar is packed full with other things? The answer is simple, be still and know that He is God.

In another version that is "cease striving, and know that he is God". That means to quit trying to so hard, to stop struggling. I don't know, but that sounds pretty good to me.

Hope you guys learnt something from this!
Jayna :)

@ 12:20 AM
Hey dear C2!

Just want to share with you my thoughts before and after cell yeah. (: (this is more like whatever i did on saturday hahaha)
Um,yeah so after i ate breakfast i starting baking muffins with my mum till 2pm when i left home for church because i had ushering.Awww man there were so many leftovers haha okay nevermind.Ushering was kind of messy cause the p6-ers are coming for the first time and we had to settle them to the seats, haha but during worship we didnt need to worry so much because the seats on the left are all full so we can concentrate on God (:.

Cell was awesome! :D i think to summarise whatever Joan Chew shared yesterday is that, we really need to rely fully on the Holy Spirit to guide us through the whole journey,forgetting about our earthly desires,everything that had happened,feelings and just trusting in God to use us in the way he planned our lives to go.

I want to emphasize on the fear of the Lord and how great is our God.
When you become a christian,you would be so passionate about God,wanting to know more and more things about him,you would love him so much till words cannot speak how much you love him.But always remember the fear of the Lord, many back-slided christians all love the Lord, they never stop loving him, but the problem is, they do not fear him.The fear of the Lord is something that draws you even closer to God, its not being afraid of him but you will gain a better relationship with him. Fearing him is fearing to sin against him.I mean.... just think back on everything you have been through in your life,all the victories, all the sins,and what Jesus the sinless man dieing on the cross for all our sins.(I cannot really explain on this,its really fully on your own experience,all i can say is seek God,all in all,open your heart to him.)

Man, i really wanted to share this with the cell,whenever i think of it,it really breaks my heart apart to really come back to God.Well,there is something i have been dwelling on since Saturday morning when i woke up.I think it was about 4.55am then.I opened my eyes,then a few seconds later i closed them.i had a vision, i was in a classroom with many of my friends there, i tried to talk to him, but every single one of them turned away from me, they mocked at me,despised me.It was really a terrible feeling. Then i opened my eyes,I was really turning round,i was mentally in pain. Then awhile later,i turned up to the ceiling.I think God spoke to me,This sentence came upon me."Jesus has no reputation"WOW! after i heard that i closed my eyes again. I saw Jesus carrying the cross coming in my direction,when he was infront of me,i offered him water,food, but he shooked his head,so i asked him,"so what do you want?"

He answered,"For you to carry the cross" i opened my eyes, i just cried and cried just really broke in tears ,tears streaming down my cheeks for about 5 minutes.It is like, WOW! The almighty God,Powerful God, but yet, The Humble God.He could do so many miracles,healing the blind and the ill,but when all had deserted him, all he did was love him and said,"Forgive them for they do not know what they are doing"

Just think about your life,have your desires and the feeling of being left out make you sin? Central Two, it is never too late to come back to God, you may not fully understand, i mean, i dont either, but theres only one thing we can do, and that is to open our hearts really not wanting anything in return,God has patience,he is the loving God,sending his son from Heaven to Earth just to die on the cross for Man's guilt.

Trust in him and he will make a way for you.

As we choose this path to follow God and obey him,we have to make sacrifices in our lives,we would have to sacrifices all that we had desired or even idoled,like how i was so addicted to computer games and then soon came to Pornography,as we make the choice to be a christian,we will face many struggles,people feeling weird around you,i dont know,God has a plan for each and every one of you.Well,i can say this,i have not regretted any moment of my life from the time when i confessed my sins to God when i stepped into Megalife(p6).I may have people leaving me,all these things that really breaks your heart.But this is all done because God wants you to seek him more and more.

But be aware,even if everything goes through smoothly, be cautious of pride, pride is a very strong weakness,if you have alot of awards,you are the smartest student in school,best in sports and all the achievements, remember that it is not by your strength you overcame,it is all because of God.After getting achievements, you may become Proud,Boastful,doing things to impress others,Love.

I have experienced it,during my fencing competition in September,i believed that God prevented me from getting a medal because if i had achieved that medal, i would be proud.But after thinking about it,i really want to thank God for all of that.

There are many things that are in my mind but its quite messy in my mind.So all i can say is,Trust in the Holy Spirit.Trust in the Holy Spirit.Trust in the Holy Spirit.Trust in the Holy Spirit.Trust in the Holy Spirit.Trust in the Holy Spirit.Trust in the Holy Spirit.Trust in the Holy Spirit.Trust in the Holy Spirit.

Trust in the Holy Spirit.There may be obstacles in between, the devil giving you doubts and thoughts, but like what Pastor had said, when you are close to God,the devil cannot come into you,but when you are far from him, all the negative thoughts will wander into you,lust,proudness,sin.....

You know what is the right thing to do,you know what is the wrong thing to do, but why do we do the wrong things?Desires,Desires,Desires.....

Surrender yourselves to God,espically the things which you spend most of your time on and your mind will fade away from God,Computer games?,Listening to Songs?,Anything! Even Yourself.

Hahahaha,well, i just want to pray for Benton and Shaun that they will go through the 'O' Levels with a mind of peace and joy, that they will trust in God throughout the exams,i pray that God will take away all their distractions,emotions and everything that is worrying them.I just want to lift them into your hands, In Jesus Most Precious Name,Amen.

Lastly,those of you who are ill,like Kele(proud of you making the choice to come to church despite your condition).May God protect you,heal you.May God cast out all the demons that are in your body,so that you can be alive and well,able to focus more on God.Get Well Soon Yeah! :D

A year has past and its going to be 2010! I have learnt many many many things from God,also want to thank Isaac for being a great Cell Leader in the Cell, May the the grace of God be with you always,may you also pass it on to others!

Central Two,Seek him and he will be found.Even if you are a mature christian,continue to make commitments to God to keep that fire for God.This is not the end yet,never lose that fire for God.NO ONE CAN JUDGE HOW CLOSE YOU CAN GET TO GOD,NO ONE CAN JUDGE HOW YOU WORSHIP HIM.IT IS ALL FOR GOD.

1.We Are Made With Christ.
2.We Are Made By Christ.
3.We Are Made For Christ.

Regardless your situation, you feelings, remember that your worship is for God to feel Good,not because you want to feel good.

These are just my thoughts for now,and i believe you guys and girls have been through alot too and i hope to hear from you guys and girls too haha.

Hope to see all of you fired up for Christ next Saturday yeah?:D
We live by the Risen King!
In the Darkness,God's light shines!
Jesus died and rose again,my God,i'll only ever give my all!
My God he made a way,My God he saved the day,Forever,We will Shout Your Praise!
Greater Things Are Still To Be Done In This City!


Saturday, October 24, 2009 @ 8:29 PM
Hello my dear Central Two!

I think it's been a long time since I last posted, so I decided to come and share my thoughts about the upcoming ELEVATE camp! For those of us who have been for Megalife Camps before, I'm sure we have absolutely no hesitation in signing up and going for it. It's just been....really, to me, one of the biggest events of the year. It's something I look forward to, something like an annual treat :) Imagine, 4 days and 3 nights together with children of God in an ulu place of Malaysia giving God the worship he deserves, PLUS spending some quality time with your churchmates and cell mates! How cool is that?

Also, I just wanted to tell those of you who are hesitant about it because it is not cell based, DON'T BE. We are all part of the same ministry, Megalife (oh man I just now typo-ed it as Megalie, that would be bad) and everyone is loving and friendly so :) Don't hesitate, I'm sure you won't regret it.

In the middle of this year I was invited to go for the Leaders Camp for the first time. I must admit, I didn't really know ANYONE that was going. Okay fine a few guys but none of my girl friends that were leaders were going. Initially Joan chew wasn't going too, so I was seriously like, I dunno how to say, I think super loser? Imagine going for a camp, like totally friendless. Something like, sec 1 orientation camp but a million times worse, it wasn't in Singapore and I didn't have anywhere to escape to.
BUT when I reached church and found my group I immediately felt very much at home. My group members were very nice and we immediately clicked, and then I realised how narrow minded I was. I wasn't open to making new friends and meeting new people, I just wanted to stay with the cell and the cell's leaders.

Going into this camp, I hope all of you will be open to the mindset of making new friends and meeting new people for the very simple reason, that God will open new doors for you! Different people think in different ways, and I think new people can give you guys new perspectives on things you used to think were...well, things that you guys thought there was only one way of thinking about it, you know what I mean? :) Also, no harm in making new friends right? :)

SO! This is not an advertisement, but really, SIGN UP NOW. You don't want to wait till the early bird is over. Remember to bring a PHOTOCOPY OF YOUR PASSPORT, CAMP FORM AND MONEY (cheques also can, address to RIVERLIFE CHURCH) and put it in an envelope (don't forget like me) and pass to Joan NG next Saturday alright! :)

Hope you guys have a great week ahead, and plz plz plz plz plz reply my SMS when I message you guys about Benton and Shaun alright! :) For now I've got a song to share with you guys, reflect on the lyrics cos I thought they were really...encouraging :)

Today Is The Day-Lincoln Brewster
I'm casting my cares aside
I'm leaving my past behind
I'm setting my heart and mind on You, Jesus

I'm reaching my hand to Yours
Believing there's so much more
Knowing that all You have in store for me is good

Today is the day You have made
I will rejoice and be glad in it
Today is the day You have made
I will rejoice and be glad in it
And I won't worry about tomorrow
I'm trusting in what You say
Today is the day

I'm putting my fears aside
I'm leaving my doubts behind
I'm giving my hopes and dreams to You

Today is the day You have made
I will rejoice and be glad in it
Today is the day You have made
I will rejoice and be glad in it
And I won't worry about tomorrow
I'm trusting in what You say
Today is the day

Today is the day that the Lord has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in it, Central Two? :) Take care people.

Love, Jayna.

Thursday, October 22, 2009 @ 2:42 AM

I am sure all of you are excited for camp!!
I am really excited for it!!
Excited for all the GOOD STUFF God's gonna give all of us :)



Love, JOAN NG :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 @ 3:48 AM
Hey Central Two!


It's at a hotel! How cool is that for a camp!
The hotel is not bad la. And I think it's going to become a Riverlife hotspot. Haahaha. Cos we had last two years of leaders camp there and I think the Highlife leaders had a camp there this year too!

Alright got to run. Just wanted to tell you guys to gear up and get excited for camp! START PACKING! hahahaha Kidding. Can u imagine what fun it would be to pack for camp together?! We should find a way to do it. Haha.

CAMP WILL BE AWESOME. Confirm chop. So get your pens and start filling those forms!
It's not cell-based, but no worries, ML are nice people, you'll get to make awesome new friends! It's no good to isolate ourselves to C2, we should go make friends and get inspired/inspire other Megalifers! (: Step out of our comfort zone.

Jiayou C2! Esp for Benton and Shaun.
Stay strong, all of you.

